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  • Steph

welcome to our website!

Updated: Apr 13, 2022

Charlotte and I have spent a lot of lockdown on Zoom calls - sharing screens and looking at Wix (not sponsored). We’ve learnt a lot about website design and also got so incredibly lucky with our logo - designed by the wonderful Brooke Bourgeois.

The idea of Very Rascals came about one day in a Cafe Nero when I realised that for one Edinburgh Fringe application I needed a theatre company name. I thought through my favourite Shakespeare quotes, and there it was “But, indeed, words are very rascals”. Thank you Feste. And Will, naturally. Fast forward a few months and Tristan Bates in London offered me a week run for It’s Beautiful, Over There. I had realised in the interim that I needed a producer who was not me. Producing - it turns out - is quite quite difficult. Charlotte turned to me and said “I’ll do it”. I’m not sure she realised that day exactly what it was she was signing up for. I am ever so grateful that she did. Leading up to our Tristan Bates run, we worked under the Very Rascals umbrella and somewhere along the way it seemed the natural next step to make this theatre company a real theatre company. We realised we had stories we wanted to tell and we wanted more control over telling those stories. Of course, we hadn’t a clue how to go about any of it. We jumped in - head first. We googled what Companies House was, how to budget, how (on earth) to file for tax. We are still figuring it out and, hopefully, our journey can be helpful to some of you.

So here we are. Ta da! Our website. We are so excited to share what we have been working on with you. We hope you enjoy exploring and reading about productions (past and present), catching up on our shenanigans, and - please tell your friends - signing up to our newsletter if you haven’t already.



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