In our newsletter, I shared the news that I will be starting drama school this autumn. I am going to be doing the MA Acting in Classical and Contemporary Text (say that five times fast at RCS (Royal Conservatoire of Scotland). I am staying involved in Very Rascals for sure; however, I have to step back from the more the practical sides of producing because a) I think I might be quite busy and b) I won't be in London.

I have been out of university for a while and the idea of going back to study and learn is a very daunting one. I've finally had some time this week to think properly about this brand new direction in which I've been thrown and I wanted to share with you my main thought.
These last 18 months have been a special kind of struggle for those of us in creative industries. I am a pretty ambitious human and getting cut off at the knees at a time when I felt like my career was just starting to take off or at least looking like it was headed in that direction has been a challenge to say the least. I applied to a few MA programmes very last minute on a whim. I was so sick of feeling powerless, like my life wasn't moving forward. I'm not sure I entirely expected to be starting one, nevermind uprooting my life and moving city. But I wanted something to happen. I have spent the last year praying that something - anything! - would happen. And here it is.

So here is my revelation. I am going to take bloody advantage of it. I know that's not rocket science. But that is my intention. I want to do this year purposefully. I want to find the joy again. I want to come out the other side having discovered and re-discovered my passion and joy and excitement for telling stories, prancing around on stage, creating something out of nothing.
I absolutely love what we all do. I think it is so important (maybe that's a different blog post somewhere down the line). This year, I am going to find joy. I am going to be purposeful. I am going to make the most out of the year to come.